Kazakhstan to study Israel’s agro-technologies and water management practices

Kazakhstan to study Israel’s agro-technologies and water management practices

Kazakhstan is set to study Israel’s experience in the development of agro-industrial complex and water resources management. Prospects for the application of new methods were discussed by Kazakh Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov and Chairman of the Israel-Kazakhstan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Michael Roee. At the meeting, Smailov noted that Kazakhstan is ready to expand the scope of cooperation in areas such as water conservation, introduction of modern drip irrigation technologies, development of agrarian science, as well as in the use of modern approaches in cattle breeding, milk production and poultry farming. For his part, Michael Roee stated that Kazakhstan has the potential to fully cover the needs of the domestic market and can make a huge contribution to ensuring global food security. Following the meeting, the parties agreed to arrange an exchange of experience and joint work on all the issues raised in the near future.