Kazakhstan to step up cooperation with Chinese city of Hangzhou

Kazakhstan is ready to enhance its cooperation with Chinese companies in developing joint high-quality agricultural production and implementing the latest innovative technologies in agriculture. Plans also include sharing experiences in introducing smart solutions across various sectors of the economy, including trade and logistics, energy, pharmaceuticals, and tourism. This was announced during the Kazakhstan-China economic conference in Astana, where domestic entrepreneurs and businesspeople from Hangzhou city signed a number of memorandums of cooperation. The event was attended by dozens of companies from both parties. Notably, Hangzhou currently holds leading positions in the digitalization of the Chinese economy and is rightly called China's Silicon Valley.

«This is a very advanced province. Hangzhou is the homeland of the founder and shareholder of Ali Baba. We already have a solid foundation in place and are actively working with our counterparts who are represented in the capital. CCPIT is a chamber of commerce that unites all the largest Chinese entrepreneur associations. We are actively collaborating with them and hope to reach further agreements,» said Murat Karimsakov, Chairman of the Board of the Chamber of International Commerce of Kazakhstan.

«I am from Tuya Smart. We are a public company who provide AI+IoT solution as a platform for the global developers to help them to build any type of AI+IoT application easily, and which covers all the verticals like the telecommunication and smart beauty, smart city, smart agriculture, etc,» said Alex Yang, representative of Chinese business delegation.