Kazakhstan set to evacuate Ukraine Embassy staff

Kazakhstan set to evacuate Ukraine Embassy staff

The Kazakh Foreign Ministry plans to evacuate its embassy staff in Ukraine. This issue will be resolved in the coming days, spokesperson Aibek Smadiyarov reports. He also stressed that the relevant ministry is currently verifying information on the number of Kazakh citizens in this country. It bears noting that a day earlier, the Kazakh embassy in Kyiv recommended fellow citizens to leave the territory of Ukraine, following all safety rules. Aibek Smadiyarov added that no requests for evacuation from Kazakh citizens to the Embassy have been registered so far.

“A lot of people have left Ukraine in the first evacuation, although some of them may have returned. We cannot tell the exact number right now. The Embassy continues to work. The point is not about closing the embassy, but about evacuating our embassy staff. This issue will be resolved in the next few days. Most likely, full evacuation may be required,” Smadiyarov noted.