Kazakhstan set to achieve full coverage of preschool education for children by 2028

By 2028, Kazakhstan aims to achieve full coverage of preschool education for children. To date, about one million Kazakh children attend kindergartens, representing a coverage rate of 91 percent for children aged two to six years. To bring this figure to 100 percent, a phased plan has been developed and approved for the introduction of new preschool organizations for 2023-2027. The Education Ministry noted that during this period, around 300,000 new places will be opened in kindergartens, with over 77,000 expected to be created by year-end. Since the beginning of 2024, 125 new preschool organizations have started operating in the country.

“Today, the problem is addressed through the construction of new preschool facilities, the allocation of state educational orders in private preschool organizations, the reconstruction of existing facilities and the establishment of mini-centers on the ground floors of residential complexes where children can stay full-time,” said Gulnara Iskakova, deputy director of the preschool education department at the Kazakh Education Ministry.

Also, a unified database of waiting lists has been established to ensure transparency in the process of allocating places in kindergartens. Applications can be submitted in several ways, including the e-government portal, mobile applications of second-tier banks, and platforms of local executive bodies. The project is being implemented in four regions of Kazakhstan.