Kazakhstan’s women to present 10 business projects at UN competition

Arailym Serikbay, a young biologist from Karagandy, uses environmentally friendly raw materials – microgreens – to make biosalt, food boxes and healing smoothie drinks. The entrepreneur plans to expand the applications of the plants she grows. She does everything in her power to achieve her ambitious goal of making this new agricultural trend popular among the younger generation. For this purpose, the scientist has opened a special scientific and educational center.

“Our environmentally friendly products are created using zero-waste technologies. Our aim is to develop environmental literacy and culture, as well as provide high-quality agricultural education to our youth, teenagers, schoolchildren and students by combining our practical knowledge and science. As a result, we plan to transform our microgreens growing center into a specialized research school,” said the project author.

Serikbay aspires to expand her business globally. She presented her project, along with other nine other business projects of women entrepreneurs, at a regional competition organized by the United Nations (UN) Women in Kazakhstan and the NURIS Innovation Cluster. All of them were meticulously selected from 85 applications received.

“These projects will be further reviewed at the regional level, with the most successful ones advancing to a global stage in Istanbul. The UN Women in Kazakhstan is also providing full support to these participants, who will have the opportunity to meet with international investors. There will also be an opportunity to learn more about regional and global platforms where they can present their products and services. It is very important for us that the women who present these projects are focused on resolving social problems, promoting gender equality, and empowering women,” noted Dina Amrisheva, head of office at the UN Women in Kazakhstan.