Kazakhstan’s talks with EU on visa regime easing continue

Kazakh diplomats continue to work on simplifying the visa regime with the European Union. In particular, they put efforts to reduce the list of required documents, extend visa validity, and increase the number of entries, spokesperson for the Kazakh Foreign Ministry Aibek Smadiyarov said during a briefing. According to him, the parties have held two negotiation meetings, with the first one in Brussels, and the second one at the end of September in Astana, where representatives of European embassies confirmed their keen interest in this process, although the timeline remains unknown. 

“In spring, as you remember, Kazakh Foreign Minister Murat Nurtleu paid a working visit to the EU in Brussels, where he met with high-ranking EU representatives responsible for visa issues. During the meetings, he reached a political agreement, according to which the EU will streamline the visa process for our citizens. The process is not easy, since there are 27 countries. We’ll have to go through all the necessary procedures and agree on visa facilitation,” Smadiyarov noted.