Kazakhstan’s State Counselor lays flowers at Talgat Begeldinov monument

State Counselor Erlan Karin laid flowers at the monument to the twice Hero of the Soviet Union and legendary pilot Talgat Begeldinov. The monument to the participant of the 1945 Victory Parade was installed in the Kazakh capital three years ago. Members of the National Kurultai and the Youth Policy Council also attended the event. The ceremony participants observed a minute of silence in honor of the memory of all the soldiers who heroically fought for the Victory.

Kazakh Prime Minister lays flowers at Rakhimzhan Koshkarbayev monument

As part of the Victory Day celebrations, the country’s Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov laid flowers at the monument to Khalyk Kaһarmany (People’s Hero) Rakhimzhan Koshkarbayev in Astana. The memory of the hero, who mounted the Victory banner over the Reichstag in Berlin, and all the fallen, was honored with a minute of silence. Bektenov noted that the war heroes’ exploits should serve as an example of courage and resilience for Kazakhstan’s youth.