Kazakhstan introduces system for transportation and treatment of donor organs

Kazakh doctors have developed a unique system for the transportation and treatment of donor organs, causing a sensation in the field of transplantology. This system extends the preservation time of organs to over 24 hours, providing a crucial window for doctors to perform all necessary procedures. Remarkably, this surpasses the previous limit of six hours for transporting a donor heart. Developed by the doctors of the National Research Cardiac Surgery Center, the system almost stops the clock by maintaining continuous artificial blood circulation in any donor organ, ensuring its functionality until transplantation into the recipient.

“Unlike global developments with an oxygen cylinder, this system does not require attaching to large cylinders or any specific air source. The device allows to concentrate atmospheric air, which we regularly breathe, take a certain proportion from it, and deliver it into the bloodstream to ensure that the blood is sufficiently saturated and an adequate amount of oxygen is received,” said Timur Lesbekov, Director of the Clinical and Academic Department of Cardiac Surgery at the University Medical Center.

The development of such a unique system began in 2015, but the first practical studies commenced seven years later. Now, the medical professionals intend to conduct a series of clinical trials and then proceed with the production of the developed technology. Currently, donor organs in Kazakhstan are transported using foreign devices.

“The price of this device exceeded $200,000. Our development is different from the American one in terms of technology, and I can say now that the results are much better. Also, I believe it will cost much lower,” said University Medical Center Chairman Yuriy Pya.

95 heart transplant surgeries have been performed in Kazakhstan since 2012. To date, there are 137 people on the waiting list, including 10 children. 4,000 patients in the country depend on organ transplantation. The new system will give them a second chance at life.