Kazakhstan, France to discuss Aral Sea preservation at One Water Summit

Kazakhstan, France to discuss Aral Sea preservation at One Water Summit

The environmental situation of the Aral Sea is attracting global attention. This matter will be addressed at the One Water Summit, scheduled for September under the joint chairmanship of Kazakhstan and France on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session in New York. A delegation led by Barbara Pompili, the French President’s Special Envoy for the One Water Summit, visited the Kyzylorda region to investigate the issue. Visitors of the fisherman’s museum exhibition were demonstrated the historical Aral Sea, once the fourth-largest lake in the world. The delegation also visited the Kok-Aral Dam to observe the current state of the Small Aral Sea and toured a forest nursery where locally grown seedlings are planted on the dried seabed to combat desertification.

«The environmental situation of the Aral Sea is highly relevant today. We aim to raise this issue on the global stage at the One Water Summit. Under our initiative, the One Planet Summit on climate change has been held seven times. A total of 45 agreements were signed following the events that gathered representatives from 140 countries. This time, we anticipate the approval of specific initiatives,» Pompili said.

The summit will see the announcement of a joint agenda by Kazakhstan and France.

«The main goal of the One Water Summit is to draw global attention to water issues. Every country faces its own challenges in this area. We are preparing to offer some solutions to these problems,» noted Zulfiya Suleimenova, Kazakh President’s Special Envoy on International Environmental Cooperation.

«The volume of water in the Aral Sea surpasses 21 billion cubic meters, with current inflows exceeding those of last year. Efforts to address the Aral Sea issue are underway, bolstered by Kazakhstan’s chairmanship of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea. Also, the recently established separate Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation in the country is expected to yield positive results,» informed Serik Sermagambetov, head of the department of natural resources and environmental management of the Kyzylorda region.