The tourist potential of the
Katon-Karagai district in the East Kazakhstan region gained recognition at an
international exhibition in Berlin. It is one of the most popular priority tourist
destinations in the country. In recent years, up to 100,000 travelers visited
the district during vacation seasons, according to the local authorities. The
Berel necropolis alone draws in over 10,000 visitors annually, while the same
number of travelers visit rural tourism routes. With a total of 14 routes, the
park offers varying distances, durations, and types of transport. Almost all of
them generate high interest, so specialists continue to develop new ones. All
the necessary data on hotels, guesthouses, rest houses, recommended
attractions, and other information is centralized at the tourist information
center operating on a one-stop principle in the village of Ulken Naryn. It is noteworthy
that the Katon-Karagai State National Natural Park is included in the UNESCO
World Heritage List and is one of the priority ecoregions of the World Wildlife