Kazakhstan develops new mobile app for youth

Kazakhstan develops new mobile app for youth

The youth in Kazakhstan will now be able to receive information about government projects, grants, scholarships and job vacancies through a mobile application. It will also have a testing system for those who want to check their knowledge. 30 teams of IT professionals from all over the country are currently working on the creation of the platform. To do this, they were given only two days. After that, the jury will announce the winning team. It will receive three million tenge for the service promotion. Government agencies will also help young people to promote the application.

“The competition winner will be the team that will not just develop the mobile application, but will bring it to the online stores. The app should be launched within a year. We hope that this competition will become traditional and will be held annually,” said Ilyas Tustikbayev, President of Kazakh Students’ Alliance.

“We will be promoting this app through youth resource centers so that more people download it. It will contain information about all state support measures. Any young citizen who wishes to participate in educational, employment or social support programs will be able to obtain all the information and contact details through this platform,” added Kairat Baimuldinov, Acting Chair of the Youth and Family Affairs Committee of the Information and Social Development Ministry.


Translation by Assem Zhanmukhanova