1,200,000 tonnes of kymyz (fermented mare's milk) were
produced in Kazakhstan in the first half of the year. This is a 56 percent
increase compared to January-June 2022, according to the Energyprom.kz portal.
According to experts, one of the reasons for the growth in the production of
this unique fermented beverage over the years is the increase in processing
volumes of mare's milk. A similar trend is also observed in relation to another
Kazakh national beverage, shubat (camel's milk), whose production reached 1,500
tonnes in the first half of the year, which is a 13 percent increase compared
to last year. It bears noting that kymyz, shubat and saumal (fresh mare’s milk) made in
Kazakhstan are exported abroad, mainly to Russia, China, Turkey, the
United Arab Emirates, as well as to Germany and France.