Kazakhstan and China to strengthen cooperation in air search and rescue

Kazakhstan and China will cooperate in people's search and rescue in case of plane crashes. Today members of the Upper House of the Kazakh Parliament approved the corresponding draft law. It was presented by the Senate member Suindik Aldashev. According to him, the agreement with China was signed in Beijing in the autumn of 2019. It is aimed at building close cooperation between the states to search and rescue passengers and crew who have crashed. Also, as part of the agreement, both sides will conduct joint search and rescue exercises. The cooperation includes reciprocal visits by experts in aircraft search and rescue, as well as exchange of experience.

“All search and rescue operations in the territory of Kazakhstan and China, as well as adjacent areas, will be carried out in accordance with the law of both countries. Each party will ensure the availability of civil aircraft search and rescue services and their round-the-clock duty in the country’s area of responsibility. The agreement stipulates the obligation of the states to notify each other of an aviation incident, and the ability to request assistance from the other party,” said Suindik Aldashev, Member of the Senate, the Upper House of the Kazakh Parliament.

Kazakhstan, Switzerland to mutually recognize precious metal hallmarks

One more agreement was ratified today in the Senate. It concerns the mutual recognition of hallmarks applied to articles of precious metals between Kazakhstan and Switzerland. The document provides for the development of the jewelry trade between the two countries, as well as streamlining the procedure for metal composition rechecking and double marking. It should be noted that the agreement was signed in Geneva in November 2021.