Kazakh scientist invents signature-making device for visually impaired

Scientist Galimzhan Gabdreshov invented a sensational know-how that enables visually impaired people in Kazakhstan to sign documents, execute transactions and make banking and other operations unassisted. He came up with the idea of exploiting a special machine to produce a plastic stencil, which will help the blind persons to put a signature themselves using a pen over the holes cut in the stencil wherever they need.

“With our own design-engineering department and original design manufacturer, we have completely developed a model and an engineering drawing. If we receive funding, such devices will appear in two regions. Blind residents in Atyrau will be the first people in the world to affix their signatures like everybody else, having no barriers anymore,” Gabdreshov said.

Domestic experts have already given a legal opinion on the possibility of putting a signature with the use of a stencil. This means that perhaps soon visually impaired Kazakh citizens will no longer need to look for a trustee or contact a notary. The Kazakh inventor sparked the interest of the United States in this and other innovations.

“All these inventions, including a bio-location device, are widely applied. We have signed contracts with the world’s largest Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired in the capital city of Austin. We established partnerships with the leadership of this school, which has excellent comfortable conditions to implement such an invention. Moreover, the Texas administration is all set to allocate funding to provide us with all the necessary equipment with the production capacity, so that we can work for the benefit of people with visual impairments,” he shared.

In addition to new developments, the Kazakh scientist constantly improves the devices he has already made. For example, he modernized the Sezual bio-location device eight times. Recent adjustments have greatly facilitated the device and gave the possibility of remote control, with which the user can now increase the sharpness, change the range and resonant frequency of the device. Gabdreshov’s inventions were nominated for the United Nations award in 2020 and entered the top of European innovations.