Kazakh Parliament members visit Peace Operations Centre in Almaty region

Members of the Kazakh Parliament visited the Kazakhstan Peace Operations Centre in the Almaty region. During their visit, they toured the conference hall and the training facility where language courses are conducted for military, police, and civilian personnel preparing to participate in UN peacekeeping missions. In the last six months alone, 150 servicemen have undergone an intensive training course covering special tactical, engineering and medical training. The peacekeeping contingent personnel received training in English, the rules of the use of force, and studied the norms of international humanitarian law.

“It was interesting for us to see how peacekeeping activities are organized, as they are an important element in building dialogue between countries, strengthening diplomatic ties, and promoting peace overall. We have observed that our peacekeepers are well-prepared both linguistically and physically, and we are pleased with the results of their training. At the Centre, all necessary conditions have been provided for servicemen to acquire the required knowledge,” said Zhanna Assanova, Member of the Senate, the Upper House of the Kazakh Parliament.

At the training ground, peacekeepers demonstrated their skills in ensuring the security of the peacekeeping base, organizing checkpoints, and patrolling. Military personnel simulated situations closely resembling real-life scenarios, illustrating responses to mortar shelling of the base. They also showcased techniques for providing first medical aid, evacuating the injured, and neutralizing improvised explosive devices using specialized engineering robotics.

“We completed the entire training cycle in September. Currently, we are awaiting the UN assessment team, which will be the final phase. After the assessment, we will be 100 percent ready to participate in peacekeeping operations. At present, the country’s Defense Ministry has completed comprehensive and extensive work carried out throughout the year and is ready for any tasks,” said Bauyrzhan Nigmetullin, the Head of the Peace Operations Centre of the Kazakh Ministry of Defense.

It is worth noting that Kazakh peacekeepers are currently deployed in Lebanon, Western Sahara, the Central African Republic, and the Congo. Also, the Ministry of Defense is exploring the possibility of the participation of Kazakh military personnel in a UN mission on the Golan Heights.