Kazakh-Japanese business forum held in Astana

Kazakh-Japanese business forum held in Astana

Representatives of business delegations from Kazakhstan and Japan signed four documents for enhancing cooperation at a joint forum in Astana. Among these are an agreement between the Chamber of International Commerce of Kazakhstan and the Kazakhstan-Japan Committee for Cooperation and memoranda of understanding in the oil and gas sector, energy, and space technologies. The Kazakhstan Gharysh Sapary National Company and the Synscpective Company will implement joint projects in Earth remote sensing using radar technologies to monitor territories from space even during nighttime and cloudy weather.

“They possess and work mainly on technologies for radar satellite image processing. The Kazakh space system for remote sensing of the Earth includes satellites in the optical range. Our specialists are proficient in working with radar technologies as well. In collaboration with the Japanese company, we are ready to start working on new projects,” said Aidyn Aimbetov, Chairman of the Kazakhstan Gharysh Sapary National Company.

The parties are annually expanding cooperation, with over 20 joint ventures operating in various sectors in Kazakhstan and a growing trade turnover, which reached more than $2 billion in the first 11 months of 2023.

“The trade and economic relations between Kazakhstan and Japan are actively developing and are expected to further strengthen. Green and digital technologies, directly related to climate change, are new areas for our cooperation. This is a common task for all mankind. I think it is possible to combine Japan's advanced technologies and the potential of Kazakhstan. Regarding digital transformation, we can also bring together innovations of Japanese industry and Kazakhstan’s potential in this sphere,” said Naoshi Hirose, Chairman of the Kazakhstan-Japan Committee for Economic Cooperation.

The forum was attended by over 150 domestic companies and nearly 60 representatives of the ministries and businesses of Japan.