Kazakh government to step up fight against shadow economy

The Kazakh government intends to strengthen the fight against the shadow economy. To this end, by 2025, the illegal turnover in wholesale and retail trade will be reduced to five percent and in the transport and warehousing sector to 2.4 percent. At the same time, there are plans to increase the share of small and medium-sized businesses in the country's GDP to 37.5 percent. The corresponding comprehensive action plan developed by the Financial Monitoring Agency and approved by the Cabinet of Ministers is designed for the next two years. Overall, there is a set of systemic measures aimed at combating the shadow economy in the country. These measures are directed towards improving tax and customs administration, effective competition and budget allocation, as well as ensuring the population’s protection from illegal business. All this will enhance the efficiency of customs inspections and streamline customs procedures. Additionally, the country aims to reduce informal employment and suppress illicit activities.