Kazakh ensemble FORTE TRIO completes Brazilian tour

Kazakh ensemble FORTE TRIO completes Brazilian tour

The Brazilian tour of Kazakhstan’s popular chamber and instrumental ensemble FORTE TRIO was a massive success. Domestic musicians gave concerts in four major metropolises of the country, including Rio de Janeiro, Belem, Goiania, and the capital. During the tour, pianist Timur Urmancheyev, violinist Maksat Zhussupov, and cellist Murat Narbekov played masterpieces of European classical music, as well as arranged Kazakh folk songs and works by contemporary Kazakh composers. Apart from that, the trio gave a masterclass to local musicians. It is worth noting that Kazakh music will be included in the permanent repertoire of Brazilian orchestras.

“The main purpose of this tour was to establish cultural ties between our countries because the bands or solo artists from Kazakhstan have not performed in Brazil for a very long time, if they ever did. Nonetheless, we found much common ground between our cultures, and all of our concerts were sold out,” Timur Urmancheyev, leader of the ‘Forte Trio’ State Trio of Kazakhstan, said.

“My impressions could not be better. I was also amazed by the performance of the Beethoven’s triple concerto, that is basically the only known piece, the only standard piece, I would say, apart from contemporary works or other lesser known works. It is the most standard concerto for this formation of violin, cello and piano,” Miguel Campos Neto, chief conductor of the Theatro Da Paz Symphony Orchestra, shared.