Kazakh, Afghan businesses discuss expansion of trade and economic cooperation

Kazakh, Afghan businesses discuss expansion of trade and economic cooperation

Business circles of Kazakhstan and Afghanistan recently held talks in the city of Astana. The Afghan side presented its trade and economic as well as investment potential to domestic entrepreneurs. Now the country is interested in investments in the energy and telecommunication sectors, and the construction of roads and railways. According to representatives of Afghanistan, the country’s authorities are ready to provide investors with attractive conditions and preferences, namely, income tax benefits and exemption from tax on the purchase of machinery for the manufacturing sector and mining enterprises. It is noteworthy that mutual trade turnover between Kazakhstan and Afghanistan amounted to nearly $1 billion last year. The country is the leading importer of Kazakh flour and one of the top five consumers of vegetable oil produced in Kazakhstan. Overall, more than 50 joint ventures are now operating in Kazakhstan, according to the country’s Ministry of Trade and Integration. Also, this year, a Kazakh trading house opened in the Afghan city of Herat. It should be noted that the Kazakh-Afghan business forum got started today in Astana.