Investor presents development plan for Astana airport

A development plan for Kazakhstan's main air gateway was presented in the country’s capital. The Astana International Airport has started joint work with an investor from the UAE in this regard. It bears noting that the airport’s operational management has been entrusted to the Terminals Holding aviation company, which plans to develop it into a multimodal hub. The investor intends to modernize the infrastructure, undertake runway reconstruction, as well as double the capacity of the cargo terminal and passenger traffic. It bears noting that the agreement is currently planned for one year. During this period, the company will assess the potential of the project and then consider the investment volume.

“The company has experience in managing and developing airports in Central Asia and Africa. It intends to cooperate with us by investing in the project. This matter will be discussed in the next phase of our cooperation. Over the course of a year, they will examine all investment areas. They will take the project into operational management, with no mention of privatization,” Yergazy Zholdassov, Chairman of the Astana International Airport, said.

“Regarding developing the ariport, we have couple of services, which we are aiming, so mainly attracting international carriers from abroad. Cargo facilities – we need to look into it very deep, because there is a great potential. To connect passengers from Europe to Asia, and the East Asia, and the West Asia, and the GCC and beyond. So, all of our strategic points are to create Astana airport as a hub. Astana airport has a big potential for creating a hub,” said Mohamed Saif Alkheyli, Chairman of UAE’s Terminals Holding.