In his interview, President Tokayev defines Kazakhstan’s development strategy, MPs say

Reforms taking place in Kazakhstan in recent years gave an impetus for the development of a new political culture in the country. The outcomes of the political modernization process affect Kazakh citizens, enabling them to move forward in a more dynamic and socially expressive format today when everyone’s opinion is not only important but also taken into account in decision-making. According to the members of the Kazakh Parliament, legal literacy and activity are true indicators of democratic transformations, which were mentioned by President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in his interview published in the Egemen Qazaqstan newspaper. According to Mazhilis Member Pavel Kazantsev, in his interview, the Head of State outlined a course for the future, establishing specific actions and priorities for the further development of the state, particularly, for the Parliament. Moreover, the transformation of citizens’ political mentality, a result of President Tokayev’s reforms, is evident during meetings between MPs and the population. Nowadays Kazakh citizens can strongly defend their rights while being ready for changes and transformations in the country, Kazantsev notes.

“A Kazakh citizen today is notably different from one two years ago, or even a year ago. Over the course of just over a year since the designation of political reforms, extensive organizational and political work has been undertaken. Representative bodies underwent restructuring, and elections took place in the Mazhilis, the Senate and the Maslikhats. This serves as a response to the societal demands that existed. It provides a guiding point for work, for community members, and for the government - it is an instruction for action,” said Pavel Kazantsev, Member of the Mazhilis, the Lower House of the Kazakh Parliament.