Government reviews Kazakhstan’s epidemiological situation

Government reviews Kazakhstan’s epidemiological situation

Not a single case of monkeypox has been registered in Kazakhstan, and the epidemiological situation in the country remains stable, as was stated today at a government meeting. According to specialists, the risk of an outbreak of the dangerous infection is minimal. Despite this, the Kazakh Health Ministry is taking all necessary measures to prevent the virus from entering the country. Sanitary and quarantine controls at border checkpoints have been strengthened, with special attention given to citizens arriving from countries where monkeypox cases have been reported. In the event of suspected cases, action algorithms for medical services have been developed, and the necessary amount of pharmaceuticals is being formed.

«At present, there is no major cause for concern, as no cases of monkeypox have been reported in Kazakhstan. Nevertheless, this is not a reason for complacency. The Kazakh Health Ministry must continue monitoring the situation and take measures to prevent the infection from entering the country, with a particular focus on enhancing controls at airports and border crossings,» said Kazakh Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov.

Kazakh government discusses preparations for heating season

The meeting also addressed preparations for the upcoming heating season. According to industry experts, about 90 percent of educational and healthcare facilities and around 70 percent of residential buildings are ready. Efforts to supply fuel to social facilities, energy sources, and the private sector are proceeding as planned. This year, 92.5 billion tenge has been allocated from the budget for the modernization of heating networks. Prime Minister Bektenov directed that all educational facilities be fully prepared by September 1, and healthcare and residential buildings by October 15.