Fixed asset investments in food production up by nearly 13.5%

Fixed asset investments in food production up by nearly 13.5%

In Kazakhstan, investments in fixed assets in the food production sector amounted to 62.5 billion tenge over the first six months of 2023. The real growth rate stands at about 13.5 percent. The Almaty region accounts for the largest amount of investments in this sector, totaling 15.6 billion tenge. The top five regions also include North Kazakhstan, Akmola, Turkistan and East Kazakhstan. The least amount of investment in the sector was observed in the Mangystau region. Overall, half of the investment portfolio in the country, namely 53 percent, came from companies' own funds. It bears noting that the situation of the provision of basic food products in Kazakhstan is quite diverse. The population was fully provided with a variety of meat and dairy products, cereals, and various other goods.