Kazakh Mazhilis approves draft of new Budget Code in first reading

Kazakh Mazhilis approves draft of new Budget Code in first reading

Kazakhstan is set to strengthen control over the activities of quasi-public sector entities, to streamline the budgetary process and to halve its time, as well as to carry out the development and approval of development plans for regional government bodies once every three years in the country. These and other norms are provided in the draft of the new Budget Code, which was approved by the Mazhilis members in the first reading. Kazakh Minister of National Economy Alibek Kuantyrov presented the draft to the MPs, noting that the amendments envisage the introduction of a block budget model, following the example of Singapore, at the same time taking into account the peculiarities of Kazakhstan’s public administration system. The minister emphasized that these innovations are necessary to increase the flexibility of the Kazakh budget. Besides, state agencies are granted freedom in managing budgetary funds with the amendments. Overall, the draft of the new Budget Code, which will be based on risks considering global challenges and their analysis enabling the timely implementation of necessary measures, envisages a long-term forecast for the country’s development up to 10 years ahead. It is expected that MPs will consider the document in the second reading next spring.

“This will significantly reduce the burden on the budget because, as part of implementing elements of the block budget, recurring expenses will not need to be re-entered. They will be included in the database in the first year and will only be indexed if necessary. This accounts for nearly 60 percent of the budget. A budget request enables all managers of budgetary programs to apply for 24 trillion tenge, about 60 percent of which, or around 13 trillion tenge, will not need to be resubmitted next year as they will be included in the database,” said Kuantyrov.