Experts share views on C5+1 summit

To date, Central Asia is emerging as a promising and serious player in the global economy. According to Yersultan Zhanseitov, an expert in the Astana-based Institute of World Economy and Politics (IWEP), the first meeting of U.S. President Joe Biden in the C5+1 presidential summit marks the growing interest of the West in the Central Asian region and Kazakhstan, which is its natural leader. As noted by Zhanseitov, such a process is justified. The region is demonstrating positive growth dynamics, and economic ties between the five countries are strengthening. Besides trade in traditional resources, the countries are developing logistics, reinforcing their transit potential. Kazakhstan, thanks to the scale and possibilities of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, represents a connecting link between East and West.

“We will receive important signals from the U.S. that the Central Asian region is important for the country not only economically, but also politically, in particular, on the issue of Afghanistan. As we know, despite the various current processes in geopolitics, the Afghan issue remains topical, and in general, the world’s major countries, including the U.S., are interested in stabilizing the situation in Afghanistan. In this regard, Kazakhstan and Central Asian countries are partners for Washington D.C. Thus, we are cooperating across various domains with the U.S., including investments, economy and interaction at the political level, and we are strategic partners at large,” said Zhanseitov.