Exhibition dedicated to Independence Day opens in Kazakh capital

A historical and documentary exhibition dedicated to the Independence Day of Kazakhstan was opened in a solemn atmosphere at the Military History Museum in Astana. Its purpose is to memorialize national heroes who did their part in gaining sovereignty. The exhibition displays unique documents from the collection of the State Archive of Astana, photographs, clippings, as well as books and portraits of freedom fighters. According to the organizers, each exhibit is of particular historical significance. The exposition will be available for the residents and guests of the capital before the end of the month. The event was attended by military representatives, historians, journalists and participants in the December 1986 uprising. There were also patriotic compositions performed by military musicians.

«In general, this exhibition reflects the idea of the President that December 16 should be a day to remember national heroes who participated in the December events and became the forerunners of the independence of Kazakhstan. This is the day to unite the nation and revive the spirit of independence, our history, and national traditions,» said Onerbek Umralin, scientific department head at the Kazakhstan Military History Museum.