Ethnographic exposition ‘Symbols of the Great Steppe’ held in Slovakia

Ethnographic exposition ‘Symbols of the Great Steppe’ held in Slovakia

An ethnographic exposition entitled ‘Symbols of the Great Steppe’ offered the residents of Slovakia an opportunity to get acquainted with customs, traditions, and culture of Kazakhstan. It was held in the city of Samorin as part of the prestigious international tournament, the Farrier’s Arena Polo Cup.  According to the Embassy of Kazakhstan, a traditional Kazakh yurt was installed at the foot of Europe's largest 20-tonne statue of a galloping horse. The exposition surrounding the ancient dwelling of the nomads featured information stands about the ancient crafts of the Kazakhs, such as felting, yurt-making, and the art of playing the dombyra. It also provided extensive information about the nomadic traditions of horse breeding and animal husbandry in the Great Steppe.