Energy resource transit control to be enhanced at Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan border

Control over the transit of energy resources is set to be enhanced at the Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan border, particularly, during their transportation via pipelines and power lines. The law ratifying the corresponding agreement, signed back in 2021, has been adopted in the Mazhilis, a Lower House of the Kazakh Parliament. This will enable the two countries to exchange experience and information regarding identified violations of national customs legislation. The procedure itself involves the monthly collection of data from metering devices, which are managed by the customs authorities of the parties. 

“The agreement provides for the exchange of information on the experience in customs declaration and customs control of energy resources, along with identified instances and methods for detecting and preventing violations of the national legislation of the two countries in the customs field. The ratification of this agreement will not lead to any negative social, economic, and legal consequences for Kazakhstan and will not require the allocation of additional funds from the state budget,” Yerulan Zhamaubayev, Kazakh Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, said.