Digital ID cards can be used for voting at polling stations on March 19

Kazakh citizens will be able to present digital identity cards at polling stations during the Mazhilis and Maslikhat elections. An electronic version of the document is available on the eGov mobile and second-tier bank apps. Voters can also provide a passport, military registration card, or seafarer’s identity document. However, a driver's license is not allowed for voting purposes. The use of digital documents is another example of the introduction of technology into the electoral process in Kazakhstan.

“Kazakh citizens are eligible to present digital documents at polling stations at the upcoming Mazhilis election on March 19. It is known that digital documents are considered the functional equivalent of the originals and are equated in legal force with documents in paper form. Besides, electronic documents can be presented anywhere at the place of demand,” said Bektembai Kossunov, Spokesperson for the National Information Technologies.

It is noteworthy that at present 678 state services are available on the eGov mobile app. About 2.4 million Kazakh citizens actively use them every month.