First-ever ecological animated series in state language released in Kazakhstan

The cultivation of love and respect for the environment in the rising generation - the first-ever animated series in the state language highlighting the importance of ecological culture for younger children was released in Kazakhstan. The seven-episode series follows an ordinary child as the main character who learns to take care of plants, animals, and all living beings. The series is available on social media channels and presents captivating explanations of topics such as the causes of planet pollution and depletion of natural resources, while also explaining simple rules of environmental care to young viewers.

“We tried to touch on several topics, including air pollution, rational water usage, and the harmful effects of waste accumulation, including plastic. I believe that our project will be a crucial step in fostering environmental education and culture amongst Kazakh residents, starting from an early age. By offering high-quality content, we hope to introduce children to the fundamental principles of caring for the environment,” said Aidana Kulbatyrova, producer at website of the Kazakhstan Institute of Social Development.