Comprehensive Privatization Plan for 2021-2025

By 2025, the share of state-owned enterprises in the Kazakhstan’s economy is expected to decrease to 14 percent due to the implementation of a comprehensive privatization plan, Kazakh Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov announced at the government meeting. According to him, the privatization process in the country should be carried out transparently. All the issues related to this course should be under special control of the heads of state bodies. Kazakh Minister of National Economy Alibek Kuantyrov said that over 200 socially significant facilities essential for life support of the population were excluded from the privatization list. They will remain state property, Kuantyrov noted. The issue of their privatization by investors may be considered in the future. To do this, investors must agree to abide by the terms that take into account the interests of the state. The comprehensive plan includes 675 objects of state property and quasi-public sector. Until the end of the year, 80 percent of them will be put up for sale, the government notes.