Comic Con Astana 2024 kicks off

Comic Con Astana 2024 has kicked off in the Kazakh capital. The unique international festival, held in the country for the third time, is dedicated to the comic book industry, cinema, video games, anime, and other areas of modern popular culture. This year, the event offering an extensive entertainment program for guests and residents of the capital is taking place across five main venues. In the cosplay contest with a total prize fund of 12 million tenge, attendees can transform into popular characters from the worlds of action and animation. Asian culture enthusiasts will be pleasantly surprised to find that the zone representing China, Japan, and South Korea has expanded. Notably, guests from Europe, the U.S., and several neighboring countries will take part in the four-day festival. According to the organizers, a significant number of attendees have arrived from China.

«To date, geek culture is about connecting with like-minded people who support you and share your diverse interests. Therefore, we don’t confine ourselves to the narrow scope of Comic Con as a festival originally focused on comics. Instead, we host an expansive event. We don’t restrict ourselves to any specific geek subculture or target audience as we aim to promote communication and mutual interests. There are no stereotypes, age limits, or other boundaries,» said Natalya Abrashkina, general producer of Comic Con Astana.