Young Scientists Summit underway in Astana

Astana hosts a summit of young scientists, bringing together about 200 Kazakh researchers. The event coincided with the Day of Science Workers in Kazakhstan. Currently, young scientists make up over a third of the country’s 25,000 scientific personnel, with more than a thousand joining the field in the past two years. The state provides systematic support, encouraging them to strive for new achievements. Each year, the most talented scientists receive state scholarships, government and personal prizes for their best developments. During the forum, scientists plan to discuss the prospects for advancing domestic science and share experiences with foreign colleagues. The summit will also showcase the best scientific projects. Organizers envision the young scientists summit as an annual event in the future. 

“The second part of the summit will be held jointly with the International Science and Technology Center. Our primary objective is to advance scientific programs and science as a whole through cooperation. Additionally, we aim to exchange experiences with researchers and foreign laboratories. To this end, we have invited experts from Japan this time,” Rinat Yelshibekov, spokesperson for the Science Committee, said.

“We aim to present a project here in the fields of ecology, energy and water resources. To effectively integrate these areas, we have created computer modeling. Our project takes into account the issues of Kazakhstan’s energy security and energy independence, as well as social matters. In terms of ecology, the project explores and analyzes measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the environment. Looking ahead, our team intends to participate with our projects in European competitions,” said Nurkhat Zhakiyev, holder of a PhD in Physics.