Chinese Ambassador to Kazakhstan reveals details of President Xi Jinping’s visit

Ahead of the state visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Kazakhstan, Chinese Ambassador to Kazakhstan Zhang Xiao gave an interview to the domestic media, outlining the topics of discussion by the heads of state. The Ambassador is confident that the current visit will give a strong impetus to the further qualitative development of the strategic partnership between Kazakhstan and China. Besides, he highlighted the visa-free policy, which has yielded positive results. Primarily, business contacts have been established, tourism is developing, and trade relations have become more active. Last year, trade turnover between the two countries reached $41 billion, making China the largest trading partner of Kazakhstan. The Belt and Road Initiative project is proving successful as well.

«The strong economic ties and cooperation between Kazakhstan and China, as neighboring countries that complement each other, hold great prospects. In recent years, through mutual consultation and adherence to the principles of joint contribution and common benefit, the parties have enhanced Kazakhstan’s unique status and significant role as the place where the Belt and Road Initiative was first announced. The two countries continue to deepen their extensive cooperation in traditional areas such as energy, mining, oil and gas, chemical industry, and infrastructure. Kazakhstan and China are also greatly expanding the potential of developing sectors such as new energy, artificial intelligence, digital economy, and modern agriculture,» said Zhang Xiao.