Cargo transshipment through Kuryk port exceeds 1.8 million

Cargo transshipment through Kuryk port exceeds 1.8 million

The volume of cargo transshipment through the Kuryk port has approached two million tonnes since the beginning of 2023. Over the year, the figure grew by 15 percent. More than 1.2 million tonnes of cargo were transported to the seaport by rail. Around 600 ferries, over 16,500 wagons, tens of thousands of trucks and other vehicles passed through the port in ten months. Among the cargo transported are oil and chemical products, metals, and consumer goods. The range of transit cargo included equipment, electronics, textiles, chemical industry products, and metal goods.

“To date, Kazakh products are transported by conventional railcars. The prospect of enabling these railcars to travel on the 1,520-millimeter gauge track to the final destination, the Black Sea, provides an additional opportunity for promoting Kazakh exports. The same gauge in Azerbaijan and Georgia allows transporting Kazakh exports directly to open waters, specifically the Black Sea,” said Serik Akhmetov, general director of the Kuryk port.