Book on Kazakhstan’s statehood presented in Senate

The work by domestic scientist Mukhit-Ardager Sydyknazarov on the statehood of Kazakhstan was presented in the Kazakh Senate. The book includes 130 ancient European and American maps from 1562 to 1879, providing a vivid illustration of the key stages in the development of the Kazakh state. As noted by the author, the Kazakh Khanate had been establishing trade, cultural and diplomatic ties with Europe for centuries, proving itself to be a reliable and trustworthy partner. It bears noting that Mukhit-Ardager Sydyknazarov conducted his research work in collaboration with the world’s leading scientific and university centers, as well as libraries. The Senate members expressed their gratitude to the scientist for such an extensive study, noting that the work is of particular historical value as it opens up new facets of Kazakhstan's international politics to the public.