Book about history of Kazakh wrestling published

Book about history of Kazakh wrestling published

A new book by poet and sports journalist Akyn Ordabaiuly will shed light on the history of the Kazakh national wrestling. The work about Kazakh wrestlers was presented in Astana. It compiles informative stories about athletes who made a significant contribution to the development of Kazakh kuresi (Kazakh wrestling). The book also contains new data on belt wrestling, known since the Saka era. According to the author, the work will be useful for sports enthusiasts and may serve as a training manual. The books will be handed over to national libraries and sports schools as gifts.

“The book features 21 coaches who are committed to the development of Kazakh kuresi. Besides, it highlights the achievements of Kazakh wrestlers in Asian, European and world championships, as well as securing medals. By promoting national sports, we also popularize the country and showcase our ancient traditions and customs that we have preserved,” Ordabaiuly said.