Ashyq service to appear in Egov mobile application

Ashyq app has been officially handed over to the government. Soon this service will appear in the EgovMobile application, announced Bagdat Mussin, Kazakh Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry.

“The Ashyq service has recently become the property of the state. Yesterday, we signed documents with the creator Vitaliy Pustovoitenko. National Information Technologies company will be responsible for the app. You shouldn’t worry and write about personal data - all Ashyq servers are located in the state servers center,” said Mussin.

Also, according to the minister, the system will work in mobile applications of two large banks: KASPI and HALYK. This, according to Mussin, will help avoid frequent technical failures. More than 1.7 million users currently use Ashyq. Daily, the application prevents about a hundred attempts of infected citizens to visit public places. The launch of the application is planned in three more cities of Kazakhstan - in Pavlodar, Taraz and Aktobe.


Translation and editing by Galiya Khassenkhanova