Arabic original of book by Akhmet Baitursynuly found in Pavlodar region

Arabic original of book by Akhmet Baitursynuly found in Pavlodar region

An original copy of the book ‘Masa’ written in Arabic by Akhmet Baitursynuly was found in the Pavlodar region. The rare 93-page work is over a hundred years old. However, there is no information about the exact date of its release, as the book cover with the publication year has not been preserved. It is known that the book ‘Masa’ was published in 1911 and 1914 in Orenburg. The unique edition was donated to the regional museum of literature and art by the resident of Shaka village Nurlan Kassymov. The book was carefully kept in his parents’ house for many years as a family heirloom.

“Having examined the antique, we came to the conclusion that it has three works, and one of them is the book ‘Masa’. This is a kind of chronicle, which depicts the life of that time, the way people used to live, the living conditions of that time. Overall, the work ‘Masa’ was published only a few times,” said Yerbol Kairov, Director of the Bukhar Zhyrau Literature and Art Museum in the Pavlodar region.