Amur tigers to be brought into Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan intends to continue the work on restoring the population of Turanian tigers. For that purpose, the country will receive Amur tigers from neighboring Russia free of charge. Such an agreement was signed by the two parties this autumn. According to Serikkali Brekeshev, Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources, the first batch in the amount of three individuals is planned to be brought into the country in 2025. They will be placed in Ile-Balkhash Nature Reserve on an area of 415,000 hectares. The feeding base has already been prepared for them, and there will be no threat from predators to residents.

“Kazakh scientists have proved that the most suitable tiger, which is similar to the Turanian tiger by its DNA, is the Amur tiger. Therefore, it was decided to introduce the Amur tiger to the territory of the Ile-Balkhash Nature Reserve. As for the payments for these tigers, there were no agreements regarding that. It was negotiated that they will be handed over to us by the Russian side for free,” Brekeshev said.