Almaty hosts first international puppet theatre festival

Almaty is hosting an international puppet festival. The event, organized to mark the Republic Day, has brought together 150 puppet masters and 14 theatre troupes from Poland, Georgia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Each theatre troupe has several performances in their repertoire, showcasing their finest productions. The organizers spent two years preparing for such a large-scale event, gaining experience from their travels around the world, and only then, they decided to hold the festival in Kazakhstan. The Almaty State Puppet Theatre, with over 80 years of activity, has participated in international festivals in China, Turkey, the Czech Republic, Japan, and Tajikistan.

“The day has finally come when we have accumulated the necessary experience to host such a festival in our theatre. Our guests from Turkey, Poland, and other countries are enjoying the best performances. For example, the Uzbek puppet theatre has always been interesting and unique. We call it an oriental theatre, as their repertoire incorporates songs and dances in their national style. I hope that later we will see the theatre troupe from Poland. We have never witnessed their performances, so we are very interested to see their work,” said Yerkebulan Kadbyl, artistic director of the Almaty State Puppet Theatre.

In their productions, puppet masters used a wide range of puppetry types and techniques, from classic hand puppets to modern multimedia performances. Actors from Uzbekistan are confident that creativity has no boundaries, and the festival has become an important moment in the world of puppetry.

“We have gathered from all over the world to share our knowledge and experience, enriching the puppet culture and inspiring each other to create new and spectacular works of art,” noted Sanzhar Ismailov, actor at the Ferghana Regional Puppet Theatre.

The festival will end on October 24. The jury will choose the best theatre director, puppet master, and acting ensemble. Along with performances, the festival also includes master classes and lectures. The festival participants are optimistic that the event will strengthen international cultural ties and make the world of puppetry more accessible and inspiring for everyone.