About 1.5 million tonnes of cargo transshipped through Kuryk port

About 1.5 million tonnes of cargo transshipped through Kuryk port

Nearly 1.5 million tonnes of cargo have been transshipped through the Kuryk port since the beginning of the year, which is a 15 percent increase compared to the 2022 figure. According to Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZ), domestic oil and petroleum products, metals, fertilizers and chemical products are transported through the port. Besides, the cargo transit from China and Central Asian countries to Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey and further to the countries of Eastern Europe and back is on the rise. It should be reminded that there are plans to increase the volume of cargo transshipment at the sea harbor. In this regard, the seabed of the port water area will be dredged. The port also plans to build and purchase Kazakh ferries to open new routes, boost export potential and increase the country’s transport security.