27 Kazakh startups to study in Silicon Valley

Creators of 50 startups from Central Asia, including 27 from Kazakhstan, received the opportunity to study and reside in Silicon Valley. According to the Kazakh Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry, the top ten Central Asian startups were selected for the AlchemistX Accelerator program. This division has been supporting successful founders and entrepreneurs globally for over a decade. Thus, startups from the region will be able to undergo training in Silicon Valley which will commence on August 12 and last 10 weeks until the end of October. The remaining 40 entrepreneurs will participate in the Silicon Valley Residency Program, Hero Training, and Stanford Healthcare Innovation Lab programs, which will begin later. Notably, all these programs aim to develop B2B startups from Central Asia.

«The program is funded by the World Bank and is free of charge for startups. Under this initiative, startups will receive free support for business development and training from experts in the US market,» said Rysty Issagulova, business program manager at Astana Hub.

«A distinctive feature of this year’s program with Alchemist Accelerator is its increased intensity and specific focus on B2B startups. One of the highly successful cases from the previous year was Citix, a company that secured around $1 million from well-known investor Tim Draper, who also allocates funds to companies such as Tesla and SpaceX,» she added.