11th Civil Forum of Kazakhstan held in Astana

11th Civil Forum of Kazakhstan held in Astana

The 11th Civil Forum in Astana brought together over 600 delegates from non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil activists, chairpersons of public councils, representatives of government agencies, regional and national development institutions, as well as the business sector. The two-day forum focused on topical issues, including quality education, gender equality, self-government, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and respect for human rights. According to the participants, the forum is aimed at defining the role and tasks of the civil sector as a full-fledged and mutually beneficial partner of the state.

“It is only in unity that we can build a real and just state, what every person, every citizen of the country wants. Prosperity depends on how we can maintain unity and well-being. Of course, we should improve the quality of knowledge and life, all this is important for us,” said Banu Nurgaziyeva, the president of the Civil Alliance of Kazakhstan.

“It is great that ministers and vice-ministers attend such forums, meet with representatives of the civil sector, study and observe the process of work, ask about our goals and wishes. This is a normal process of democratization of our society without bureaucracy,” said Zhanna Zhibrayeva, the president of the Family Center public foundation in the Abai region.

It bears noting that all ideas and proposals of activists and volunteers will be collected into a single national plan to implement the Concept of Civil Society Development in Kazakhstan.