Applications from 50,000 depositors of the Unified Accumulative Pension Fund are currently at the stage of transferring money to a special account, reported Chairperson of Otbasy Bank Lyazzat Ibragimova at a briefing. Over 80,000 applications are currently under consideration on the websites of the pension fund and the financial institute. 44 percent of them are directed to repayment of previously taken mortgage loans. The amount of already approved applications for today totaled 212 billion tenge. After a depositor receives approval by the UAPF, it is necessary to open the Housing Construction Savings Bank 24 app and check the funds on the special account.
“50,519 applications out of 80,000 on the websites of UAPF and our bank are currently at the stage of transferring money to a special account. If Kazakh residents enter their private accounts, they will see that the UAPF has accepted their applications for consideration that should be completed within three to five days. 50,000 depositors have actually already passed the first stage. Their applications are on the transfer of money to a special account. 8,000 of them saw the money on their special accounts yesterday. This was seen in the mobile app,” said Lyazzat Ibragimova, Chairperson, Otbasy Bank.