Prices for grain and flour to decrease gradually, says Agriculture Minister

There should be no shortage of grain and wheat this year, reported Kazakh Minister of Agriculture Yerbol Karashukeyev at a government meeting today. He explained that favorable conditions, including the weather, made it possible to start harvesting on time.

“According to governors’ offices, the forecasted volume of the gross yield of crops is expected to be at the level of 18.3 million tonnes, including more than 13.4 million tonnes of wheat. There is also a carryover of grain and wheat from last year. The expected gross yield of grain with the consideration of the carryover will be enough to fully satisfy the internal needs of the country,” said Karashukeyev.

The minister noted that contrary to expectations, the cost of wheat and grain would diminish. This is primarily due to the early completion of the harvesting campaign in the south and the resumption of exports from neighboring Russia.

“The situation is stable. According to the market dynamics, the cost of grain and wheat will gradually decrease. There should be no deficit. The volume of grain and wheat is sufficient to meet the domestic needs. We expect to produce 1.2 million tonnes of wheat in August and September,” Karashukeyev added.

Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov instructed the Ministry of Agriculture and governors’ offices to ensure readiness of grain elevators.