Photo exhibition dedicated to volunteers held in Astana

Photo exhibition dedicated to volunteers held in Astana

The exhibition entitled ‘Our Volunteers’, which is dedicated to the popularization of volunteer activities, is taking place in the Kazakh capital. Around 30 different photographs show volunteers receiving and distributing humanitarian supplies, and helping people out during fires, floods and explosions. Over the past three years, about 10,000 young people have been engaged in volunteering during the tragic events. According to the organizers, this photo exhibition is a tribute to their work.

“One day, humanitarian aid trucks arrived from the North Kazakhstan region. We just finished unloading a huge truckload of flour, when one of the photographers captured that very moment. It was a beautiful shot. The phrase ‘Biz Birgemiz’ (We are together), which is often heard throughout Kazakhstan, is not just mere words, that’s really how it is,” volunteer Aldiyar Zhumabai said.