National information technology products to take on international markets

National information technology products are planned to be promoted abroad with the help of the Kazakhstan Agency for International Development of the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The corresponding memorandum was signed between the ministry and information and communication infrastructure operator In addition, the cooperation envisages the exchange of experience in the sphere of the provision of public services in international markets.

“It aims to cover a range of projects, including e-government, public services, and accounting systems, as well as separate projects for the digitalization of the economic sectors. We believe that this initiative will significantly enhance the country's position as a digital regional hub, as emphasized by the Head of State,” Rostislav Konyashkin, Chairman of the Board of the National Information Technologies, said.

It is worth noting that over 13.5 million Kazakh citizens are currently using the portal. They received about 415 million services. In 2022, Kazakhstan ranked 28th among 193 states in the UN E-Government Development Index.