Mothers’ football team formed for the first time in Kazakhstan

For the first time in Kazakhstan, a mothers’ football team has been created. They usually play the role of the main supporters of their children during matches. But this time, it’s different. In the stands, girls and boys anxiously keep their fingers crossed for their athletic mothers.

Ainur Izbaskanova enrolled her son in a football club. As a child, she loved playing football with other kids in the yard, but as she grew older, her passion for sports faded. However, watching her son play reignited her passion for football, and she decided to join the team. Like her son, she took on the role of a forward.

«Frankly, when I watch children play in various competitions and tournaments as a spectator and a fan, it makes me want to play football myself,» Izbaskanova shared.

Kulyash Mankiyeva also got interested in football watching her child. She plays as a fullback, responsible for defense and preventing opponents from making dangerous passes, while also joining the attack. In her professional life, the woman holds an equally responsible position as the deputy director of the school for educational work. She spends most of her time at the educational institution, and her free time on the football field.

«Honestly, at first, I was scared. I was afraid of the ball and kept worrying about how I would manage to play. Now, I see that those fears were unnecessary. After each training session, I have special feelings, such as invigoration when I get home. I do regret missing a few practices in the past because I ended up missing out on a lot,» Mankiyeva said.

The idea to create such an unusual football team belongs to Zhanerke Perme. The former player of the Kazakhstan women’s national football team used to train only schoolchildren. To unite the mothers of these children, she decided to start the club.

«We have not practiced a strategy with the parents yet. As a coach, I believe that now, everyone is focusing on offense rather than defense. Some of the mothers confidently score goals during practice while others skillfully perform feints to outwit their opponents, which indicates their good grasp of the game. The parents’ attitudes towards football have improved significantly. Initially, they did not understand what football was or its purpose. Now, they are fully committed to the game,» Perme noted.

According to school principal Gulzhan Toleu, 4,500 students are enrolled at the educational institution, most of whom are involved in the football club. Nevertheless, the schedule includes time convenient for training the team of mothers, who have been honing their skills on the field for the second month. They will soon represent Kazakhstan in international championships for mothers. One of the tournaments will be held in Russia.