‘La Sylphide’ ballet premiere to be staged at Astana Opera Theater

The confrontation between real and fantastic worlds was presented on stage by the ballet troupe of the Astana Opera Theater during a dress rehearsal before the grand premiere of Hermann Lovenskiold’s ‘La Sylphide’. The show will take place on September 29-30 and on October 1-3. This time the ancient ballet will be presented in line with the best traditions under the direction of the company’s head Altynai Asylmuratova. According to the world ballet star, she involved both experienced and young artists to stage ‘La Sylphide’, the symbol of romantic ballet.

“There are three evil witch girls in our ballet production, three characters performed by men, this is the Travesty part, which can be performed by both women and men. In our theater, these are three male roles, three completely different and interesting people and characters. I tried to get the troupe involved in the work as much as possible,” noted Asylmuratova.

It bears to note that the main role of Sylphide is performed by four soloists at once. They are Anastasia Zaklinskaya, Sofia Adilkhanova, Shugyla Adepkhan, and Madina Unerbayeva, who previously managed to perfectly embody this image on the stage of another theater in the Kazakh capital. However, the audience perceives this character as weightless, light and airy due to the unique picturesque settings and fabulous costumes made by artists.

“At that time, of course, I was very young and did not understand this role at all. What I mean is that with time and experience, you realize that you get your own style, your own Sylphide and you see her in a new light. We prepared the La Sylphide itself at the end of the season and started to learn it with Altynai Abduakhimovna. There are four Sylphides, we are all different, and each feels the role differently. I wanted to reveal the character through lightness, softness of hands, jumps, weightlessness and certainly purity, which is open within myself,” said Unerbayeva.

Traditional Scottish melodies, magical characters, and fascinating action of the plot about a young peasant and an air fairy will not leave anyone indifferent.